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8 Şubat 2017 Çarşamba

Exercise-induced hematuria

Exercise-induced hematuria is the appearance of gross or microscopic hematuria following an intense exercise, in the absence of apparent kidney or urinary tract disease, and the recovery of this hematuria with rest.
In sports such as football or kick-boxing, direct trauma to the kidney or bladder may be the cause of hematuria. In addition, there may be trauma to the bladder in long distance runs and cycling. The risk is greater in the empty bladder.
Hematuria can also develop in non-contact sports such as swimming and shovels. One of the possible mechanisms is the accumulation of blood in the muscles and the development of renal ischemia. Another possible mechanism is the development of lactic acidosis and increased glomerular permeability as a result of exercise. Thus, the erythrocytes pass urine.
Bir başka olası sebep ise nutcracker sendromudur. Bu sendrom, sol renal venin, aorta ile süperior mezenterik ven arasında sıkışması olarak bilinir. Hematüri sıklıkla asemptomatiktir, ancak sol flank ağrısıyla birlikte de olabilir.
Exercise-induced hematuria is known as a benign condition with no long-term morbidity related. Diagnosis is a diagnosis of exclusion.
If the hematuria that starts after the exercise does not end within 1 week, other diagnoses should be considered.
If erythrocytes are not dysmorphic, further research should be considered.
Hematuria associated with exercise, should be distinguished from myoglobinuria following exercise and marginal hemoglobinuria.
Exercise induced hematuria may also be present in patients with erythrocyte membrane spectrin abnormalities.

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